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Erdem Yörük will be giving a seminar on March 7, 2019

Our Principal Investigator Erdem Yörük will be giving a seminar, titled “The New Politics of Welfare: India and Beyond”, on Skype as part of the the Law, Development and Public Policy Seminar series at Jindal Global University, Sonepat, Haryana, on March 7, 2019.


TOPIC: The New Politics of Welfare: India and Beyond”
DATE: 7th March 2019, 17.15 to 19.15 pm
LOCATION: Classroom V, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat, Haryana

In this talk, Erdem Yörük will discuss the contemporary global welfare regime structure, by analyzing emerging markets, including India, well as OECD countries. Then, it will focus on the political factors shaping recent welfare state developments in emerging markets, which arguably caused the formation of a new welfare state regime. He will present the results of the quantitative analysis which shows that Maoist incidences are leading to higher NREGA provision, as a method of political containment. He will also talk about his ERC-funded research project which builds separate databases for welfare and political protest and then employs computational, quantitative, qualitative methods to describe and explain the new welfare state regime.

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