Workshop at EUI Political Science Department

Our team has been invited to EUI Political Science Department. Erdem Yörük and Ali Hürriyetoğlu participated in a workshop organized by Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi, who is the principal investigator of PolCon ERC project. Both teams discussed their articifical intelligence methoda to create protest events datasets for Europe and emerging markets...

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CLEF Protest News 2019

Our lab proposal -prepared and led by our postdoc researcher Ali Hürriyetoğlu- was accepted to be organized in Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2019 ( The CLEF initiative is a self-organized body whose main goal is to promote research, innovation, and development of information access systems with...

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The 51st Essex Summer School

Our team member Ali Bargu participated in the 51st Essex Summer School in which various types of quantitative and qualitative research methods courses are offered between 9 July and 17 August 2018.  

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ESSLLI 2018 Summer School

Our team member Osman Mutlu participated in the 30th edition of European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) that took place at Sofia University (St. Kl. Ohridski), Sofia, Bulgaria, in August 2018. ESSLLI is an event organized every year in a different European country under the auspices of...

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Updates on our team!

Our team members Sümerjan Bozkurt Güngen and Ömer Özcan has started their new Visiting Assistant Professorship positions in the University of Toronto, Canada. We congragulate them on their success!

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We are at the ISA Conference

Our Principal Investigator Asst. Prof. Erdem Yörük presented four papers –titled The Politics of Social Assistance in South Africa,Social Assistance as Political Containment in Contemporary China, Four Worlds of Global Welfare, andThe Politics of Social Assistance in Contemporary Asia: Comparative Analysis of China, India, and Turkey—  at the XIX ISA...

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Updates on our team!

Our Project Engineer Osman Mutlu is accepted to the Master’s Program of Computer Engineering Department of Koç University to start on September 2018. We congragulate him on his success!

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3rd Intercoder Reliability Workshop in Content Analysis

Our team members Dr. Ali Hurriyetoglu and Sinemis Temel participated in the 3rd Intercoder Reliability Workshop in Content Anaylsis, which took place at the Department of Communication and Cognition of Tilburg University, the Netherlands on July 6, 2018.

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We are starting to build protest databases for India and China!

Following months of work on building a protest database for Turkey, now the Work Package 2 team, including a dedicated team of annotators, has started to create training data that will be used to train machine learning based systems that will automatically create protest databases for India and China.

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