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Ali Hürriyetoğlu presenting at “Sociology Talks” of Koç University

Our team member Ali Hürriyetoğlu will be giving a talk on November 7, 2019, at Koç University. You can find the details below.

Date: November 7 (Wednesday), 12:00-13:30 pm
Location: SOS 143
(Pizza and soft drinks will be served)

Title: Collecting Protest Event Information from News Using Artificial Intelligence
Ali Hürriyetoğlu (Koç University)

In this talk, Dr. Hürriyetoğlu will provide a summary of the activities and preliminary results of the protest-events collection work package of the Emerging Welfare ERC Project ( This work package builds computational tools based on machine learning and Natural Language Processing for collecting contentious politics event information from news sources in select emerging markets, India, China, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico. This is based on the application of artificial intelligence techniques that learn from human annotations to mimic the process of recognizing event information. The outcome will be a cross-country protest-events database that spans the period since the late 1990s.

Dr. Hürriyetoğlu is a postdoctoral researcher at the EMW project. He is a computational linguist who has been working on analyzing news and social media using machine learning and text mining techniques. He focuses on text classification and information extraction in English, Turkish, and Dutch within the domains of social and political sciences, disaster relief, social events, and health.

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