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Erdem Yörük’s proposal is awarded the Horizon 2020 Twinning Action Grant!

We are proud to announce that our Principle Investigator Assoc. Prof. Erdem Yörük’s proposal, Building the Future: Excelling in Computational and Quantitative Social Sciences in Turkey, is awarded the Horizon 2020 Twinning Action Grant by the European Commission!

The project has a budget of 900.000 Euros for three years, and Koç University will be the coordinator of a consortium by holding half of the grant budget. The idea behind Twinning Actions is that an institution from a widening country is twinned with two leading institutions from Europe for the purpose of developing human capacity in proposed domains. In the case of our new grant, Koç University Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities and the College of Social Sciences and Humanities will be twinned with GESIS in Germany and ISI in Italy in the domains of computational social sciences and quantitative social sciences.

You can find more detail in the following link:

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