Aline Villavicencio visited the EMW Project Team at Koç University

Aline Villavicencio, one of the advisors of the Emerging Welfare Project, came to visit us at Koç University and gave a speech, titled Identifying Idiomatic Language with Distributional Semantic Models, on February 21, 2019. You can find the abstract below. Abstract: Precise natural language understanding requires adequate treatments both of...

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Frontier Social Policy Research Symposium

We are organizing the Frontier Social Policy Research Symposium that will take place on March 1, 2019, Friday, from 10am to 5pm, at Koç University ANAMED, Beyoğlu, Istanbul. Frontier Social Policy Research Symposium will present initial findings of The Emerging Welfare research project and other ongoing social policy research projects...

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CLIN 29 Presentation by Berfu Büyüköz

Our team member Berfu Büyüköz presented in Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN) 29, on January 31, Thursday, at Oosterpoort, Groningen. In this presentation, Berfu introduced the Emerging Welfare ERC Project ( She gave brief information about project objectives and challenges, mainly focusing on the Work Package 2 – Protest...

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New article published!

Erdem Yörük, İbrahim Öker, Kerem Yıldırım and Burcu Yakut-Çakar’s article, titled The Variable Selection Problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare Literature, is published in Social Indicators Research journal. We ongragulate them on their success! The article can be reached via the following link:

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New publication!

Our team members Arda Akdemir, Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Erdem Yörük, Burak Gürel, Çağrı Yoltar, and Deniz Yüret published a paper, titled Towards Generalizable Place Name Recognition Systems: Analysis and Enhancement of NER Systems on English News from India, in Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval ( We congragulate...

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CLEF 2019 – Call for Lab Participations!

Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2019, which is to be held between 9 – 12 September 2019 at Lugano, Switzerland, is calling for lab participations. As the EMW Project, we will be participating in the CLEF 2019 as the holder of one of the nine Labs, ProtestNews:...

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Our team visited South Africa

Alper Gençer and Çağrı Yoltar visited Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town between October 11-21, 2018 to gather more information on the South African welfare system in general, and the workings of the Child Support Grant in particular. They had meetings with the leading scholars of social policy and politics in...

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